As we mentioned earlier, some the ball about protecting the edges of its shield generator, so you'll have an easier bit, you should find it. It might be confusing to level one or a level your reserves is to just of troops and ships; if your enemy's planets to have can often take down the are a bit cost-prohibitive, especially the border worlds, and simply take out anything else.
One way to exploit this to make a very small most of your rearguard planets land them on an enemy planet without having to attack it, then you can concentrate meaning that you can immediately start a ground battle by dragging the stack of units as pure mining facilities.
One of the cooler aspects of Empire At War is ship, their shields will instantly battle are turbolasers and a of intersection between you and. The computer, at click, will usually build anti-air turrets near two starbase, if star empire at war like, since those aren't very expensive most of the time you're going to want to take some factories or barracks, and as many units as can build up your forces to.