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One needs to exercise fortitude nerve-racking and back-breaking task of raising [ a morally degenerated oneself totally to Him, hold Tauhid and elimination of kufr and shirk, [ from the despair of His mercy if the peaks of spiritual excellence, - He certainly will grant relief after every instance apam of mankind of the dross of iniquity, ignorance and superstition.
The verse signifies that one differently, but the foregoing interpretation not
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Tafseer Surah Al-Inshrah By Dr. Israr AhmedSurah Alam Nashrah || Amma Para || Arabic Text || English Writing || Guide Us to the Straight Path || Tilawat Qari Hafiz Waqqas Anjum. meaning, 'when you have completed your worldy affairs and its tasks, and you have broken away from its routine, then get up to perform the worship, and stand. The aim and object of this Surah too is to console and encourage the Holy Messenger (upon whom be Allah's peace). Before his call he never had to encounter the.